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Saturday, 15 August 2009

How to install local server

Installing local server three software s are needed
3.Zend Studio Environment
Inatallation of wampserver:
1.Double click on wampserver icon , then a window appear titled setup ,click on Yes.
2.Then a window appear titled setup :wampserver 2,click on Next.
3.Then a window appear titled setup :wampserver 2, which is about licensce agreememt, mark on i agree the agreement.
4.Then a window appear which is about select detination location,select C drive.
5.Then a window appear which is about select additional task , where two box is shown create a quick lance icon & create a destop icon,select whatever you like.
6.Then a window appear which is about ready to install ,click install.
7.While intalling a brower is deteeted (which is installed in your computer ) and it is use as default brower with wamp.Click on Yes
8.After intalling a window appear which is about windows secutrity alert , clock on unblock.
9.Then a window appear which is about PHP mail parameter, write localhost in SMTP box & you@yourdomain in E-mail box.
10.Then a window appear which is about finishing wampserver, mark the launch wampserver now box.
11.Look down of your right toolbars, where there is a symbol which is half circle shape ,& it is yellow in color.left click on it & click on put online.then color of the symblo is white.
12.Again left click on the symblo go throuh MySQL>service,click on stop service.
13.Again left click on the symblo go throuh MySQL>service,click on remove service.
Then re start your computer.
Installation of MySQL:
1.Double click on setup icon of MySQL, then a window appear which welcome you to setup MySQL server. Click Next.
2.Then a window appear which is about type of setup, mark on typical.
3.Then a window appear which is about ready to install ,click on install.
4.Then a window appear which is about log in or create a new MySQL account.mark on skip sing up.
5.Then a window appear which is about competition of setup ,mark on configure the MySQL server now & click on finish.
6.Then a window appear which welcome you MySQL server instance configuration, click on Next.
7.Then a window appear which is about to select configuration type,mark on Detail configuration & click on Next.
8.Then a window appear which is about to select server type,mark on Developer Machine & click on Next.
9.Then a window appear which is about to select database usage, mark on Multifunctional Database& click on Next
10.Then a window appear which is about to select drive innoDatafile, select C drive & click on Next.
11.Then a window appear which is about to select approximate number of concurrent connection to the server,mark on Decision Support (DSS)/OLAP & click on Next.
12.Then a window appear which is about to set the network option,mark on Enable TCP/IP Networking & Enable Strict Mode, & click on Next.
13.Then a window appear which is about to select default character type,mark on Standard character set, & click on Next.
14.Then a window appear which is about to set windows options, mark on Install as windows server,Launch the MySQL server automatically & Include Bin Dictionary in windows PATH box.(sever name remain MySQL) & click on Next.
15.Then a window appear which is about to set the security options,mark on Modify Security setting,give your new root password & mark on Enable root access from remote machine box & click on Next.
16.Then a window appear which is about to ready execute preparation configuration ,write configuration file,start service & apply security system. Click on Execute.
17.After processing these executions ,click on Finish.
Installation Zend Studio Environment:
1.Double click on setup icon of zend studio, then a window appear which is about Introduction, & click on Next.
2.Then a window appear which is about License Agreement, mark on i accept the terms & license agreement, & click on Next.
3.Then a window appear which is about choose in tall set,mark on first three box's, & click on Next.
4.Then a window appear which is about choose install folder, choose C drive, & click on Next.
5.Then a window appear which is about choose shortcut folder, mark on first one & click on Next.
6.Then a window appear which is about extent ion association, mark on php,php3,inc,tpi box, & click on Next.
7.Then a window appear which is about Default PHP Setting,mark on your php version, & click on Next.
8.Then a window appear which is about review of previous information, click on install.
9.After installation, a window appear which is about zend safeguard Suite, mark no No, thank you.
10.Then a window appear which is about important information,click on Next.
11.Then a window appear which is about completion of install.click on Done.

Then go through c:\wamp\apps\myphpadmin, double click on confic.inc,then click on Editor tab, go to 73th row, give the password which is given in Modify Security Settings of MySQL server Instance configuration Wizard & save it.


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