· Log onto http://lite.facebook.com. You must already be a Facebook user to log into this site. If you are not already, a Facebook user log onto facebook's website at http://www.facebook.com to sign up.
· Get familar with Facebook Lite by clicking on icons and comparing it to regular Facebook. Facebook Lite does not have applications like "become a fan" or other applications your friends use to predict for entertainment purposes.
· No virtual games displayed on your home page like virtual farming appearing. Just a more simple and sleeker look. All you see on your home page as far as your friend goes is their status update.
· when you comment on a picture you do not have to scroll down under the picture to do so, because the comment section is at the top right corner beside the picture making it a little easier to see other comments at the same time you are viewing the entire picture. The same goes for videos as well.
· There are not thousands of external applications. Also, there is no chat. So if you would like to chat with your friends, just use your normal Facebook account.
· when you click on your friends icon it goes straight to your list of friends unlike the regular Facebook when you click on the friends' icon, it goes to the "We'd like to help you find friends". This will save you time to find friends
Dear Sir,
I am faced with a peculiar problem. I have (Which I now feel was a mistake) activated Facebook lite and cannot revert back to Facebook. I play Farmville and I used to get the notifications for Farmville Neighbour requests as well as Farmville Gifts Request on the right side of my wall. However, since I have activated Facebook lite these links are absent in Facebook lite and I can neither accept gifts nor accept neighvours request. This has put me in a state of bother and am not at all pleased with Farmville Lite. Please help me get back to Farmville or delete my Farmville Lite account.
Chourasia sundeep
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am faced with a peculiar problem. I have (Which I now feel was a mistake) activated Facebook lite and cannot revert back to Facebook. I play Farmville and I used to get the notifications for Farmville Neighbour requests as well as Farmville Gifts Request on the right side of my wall. However, since I have activated Facebook lite these links are absent in Facebook lite and I can neither accept gifts nor accept neighvours request. This has put me in a state of bother and am not at all pleased with Farmville Lite. Please help me get back to Farmville or delete my Farmville Lite account.
Sukamal Pal
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