Google Maps is a web-mapping application that allows you to view maps, as well as get driving directions for many destinations. It is a free application that will occasionally run into loading and display errors that are caused by a number of factors. In order to troubleshoot these problems, it's important to understand their cause
Compatability Issues
Google Maps has been formatted to work best with the following web browsers: Internet
Browser Problems
When Internet Explorer experiences display errors, Google Maps runs into problems and prevents you from seeing your destinations or navigating through satellites. For Google Maps to display and operate properly, Internet Explorer components such as javascripting and ActiveX have to be enabled to decrease display errors. Because Google Maps involves visual display, problems with a Flash player installed on your computer will also cause loading or display errors when accessing maps.
Google server problems can cause errors when attempting to display Google Maps. The server errors have nothing to do with you or your computer settings, because they are internal problems. They can occur when the developers are updating maps, including additional functions or troubleshooting a certain problem. At other times, Google Maps will run into errors because there are many current users. The server suddenly slows down and either takes a longer time to display a map, or in some cases doesn't display one at all.
If you do not have a web browser that has the sufficient components to run Google Maps, download and install one on your computer. For Internet Explorer and Mozilla
Expert Insight
If you are still running into display errors, or perhaps the destination you are looking for is not available on Google Maps, use the help basics page or contact Google about the problem. If you notice that some information on Google Maps in incorrect, the "Community Edit" feature is your best solution. It's a simple tool that allows you to modify incorrect information on Google Maps to make it accurate for others.
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